DIET2024 Registration

Important Dates

Early Bird Pricing ends on September 15 2024
Regular Pricing will be in effect on September 16 2024
Registration Type
Early Bird (On or before September 15th)
Standard (After September 15th)
In person
CNS Member
In person
Non-CNS Member
In Person
In Person
CNS Member
Non- Cns Member
Student Option
Single Day + Virtual

DIET2024 Workshops

DIET is offering two workshops during the conference. Date and times will be announced soon!  

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Ready to bring cutting-edge technology right to your fingertips? Join us for an exclusive workshop where you’ll dive into the world of Large Language Models (LLMs) with Ollama! 

In this hands-on session, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up a local instance of an LLM using Ollama, empowering you to harness AI capabilities directly on your own machine. Perfect for tech enthusiasts, developers, and business leaders, this workshop will equip you with the skills to leverage AI for innovative solutions, without relying on external servers or cloud services. 


What You’ll Learn: 

🔧 Step-by-step setup of a local LLM instance using Ollama 

💡 Practical applications and use cases for LLMs 

🛠️ Usage tips and best practices 

Local AI Deployment

Whether you’re looking to enhance your projects, streamline workflows, or explore new AI possibilities, this workshop is your gateway to mastering local AI deployment. 

Join us for a discussion and hands on guided Al workshop on using AI in safety critical processes responsibly. 

  • Obtain a quick and in-depth over-view of the history of AI, its various methods and techniques 
  • Review and reinforce the concept of a safety critical process and traditional implementations. 
  • Discuss the merits of various approaches for AI validation. 
  • Demonstrate the use and value of generative AI in a safety critical inspection process.   

Conference Venue and Accommodation

Call for Papers
Sponsors and Exhibitors
